Decision-Making in the Ignatian Tradition – An Intensive 12-day Training Program in Spiritual Direction
Facilitated by the Spiritual Directors’ Team
This workshop is based on the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. A prerequisite for this workshop is that one has already made the Spiritual Exercises, either in daily life (Annotation 19) or in a closed setting (Annotation 20). It is meant for people who are interested in learning how to direct others or in refining their directing skills. Our hope that this workshop will give one a new experience of the principle of discernment and the practice of decision-making as found in the Exercises.
There are three components to the program:
- two days of workshops with input related to the participants’ experience and knowledge of the Spiritual Exercises
- two 3-day retreats during which each participant directs under supervision
- three days of workshops with input related to the ministry of spiritual direction.
Who Should Apply?
This workshop is suitable for those:
- with experience in spiritual direction who want to hone their skills
- who have started to move into this ministry and want to gain confidence
- who already have some knowledge of the Spiritual Exercises and are interested in acquiring a greater practical understanding of them and their application in the world
We welcome women, men, laity, religious, clergy, and people from other faith traditions.
The SDW is open to persons who have completed the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius under personal direction, either in the 30-day format or in daily life. We presume that the applicants have already had experiences of discernment and decision-making according to the dynamics of the Exercises.
July 2, 2015 from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Program begins at 7 pm.
How to Apply
Applicants will be sent an application package containing:
- an application form
- personal history essay guidelines
- Outline reference forms (for two people who know applicant well)
- outline for references
Please return the completed forms, personal essay & letters of reference with a $100 Cdn. non-refundable deposit. Payment can be made by
cheque, cash or money order– payable to Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Cdn. funds or by MasterCard or VISA.
Upon receipt of this package, we will start processing your application. The completed package must be received by June 12, 2015. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance as soon as possible after their package has been received and processed.