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The Treasure Within Us All One-Day Retreat

November 20, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sharing Our Sacred Stories

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Facilitated by Katherine Piderman

We all hold a treasure of spiritual experiences which have blessed and challenged us.  It can be a great gift to explore these with a trained and trusted person, to deepen our understanding and integration of them.  Many find blessing in preserving this treasure and sharing it with others.

Today will provide an opportunity to learn about Mayo Clinic’s Hear My Voice research project which invited patients with advanced illnesses to meet individually with a chaplain to review and summarize their lives using a spiritual lens. The interview questions and selections from the interviews will be presented, as well as tributes from those involved.

A blessing in itself, this project is also intended as “a mustard seed” for others to use in their personal and professional lives.  Practice with the Hear My Voice questions and discussion of possibilities going forward will be part of our time together.

Katherine (Kate) Piderman was born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Canada and has lived in the midwestern United States most of her adult life.  Kate’s education includes Master’s degrees in education, pastoral studies, and scripture, and a PhD in psychology.  A Catholic laywoman, Kate served for 20 years in parishes in rural Illinois and for over 25 years as a chaplain, mostly at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Kate is an associate professor in the Mayo College of Medicine and has been actively involved in research and education in spirituality and health since 1998.  She has over 40 publications and has taught in many settings throughout the world.  Kate has been a spiritual director since 2020 and feels blessed to accompany people seeking to explore and deepen their faith in the midst of the complexities of life.  She loves the outdoors and is often surprised and delighted by the many ways she experiences God when she is still enough to notice.


  • $85.00 each for the day, includes lunch

To fill out application by clicking the Quantity box and selecting 1.


November 20, 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
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Ignatius Jesuit Centre
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Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre
5420 Hwy 6 North
Guelph, Ontario N1H 6J2 Canada
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519.824.1250 ext 266
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