
8-Day Directed Silent Retreat

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! The 8-Day Directed Silent Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and […]

Building an Earthen Church

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

An 8-Day Retreat Apply here! Ecology is the study of living systems. Ecclesiology is the study of church. If church does not soon become radically ecological, its systems will quickly loss all their living and life-giving force. Since the disruptions […]

Finding Your Way: Weekend of Discernment

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! Be part of this retreat designed for people who need time and support in decision making. It includes personal prayer time to support personal integration of whole-group, small-group, and individual interactions. Opportunities to speak with the presenters about […]

Directed Prayer Weekend

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! The Directed Prayer Weekend is a time for you to come and see for yourself and to meet God in a new and personal way. You will have opportunity of meeting several times with a spiritual director who […]

8-Day Directed Silent Retreat

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! The 8-Day Directed Silent Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and […]

Introduction to the Enneagram

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here!   The Enneagram is a spiritually dynamic system that enables you to understand yourself at a deep level.   It describes 9 different “types” or patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.  Knowing your type can help you see your […]

Trees: Weekend Retreat

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! Facilitated by byron murray and Greg Kennedy The more we know about trees (their complex methods of communication, their mutual support, their positive effect on human wellbeing) the more we have to learn from these quiet, gentle, patient […]

8-Day Directed Silent Retreat

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! The 8-Day Directed Silent Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and […]

8-Day Directed Silent Retreat

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! The 8-Day Directed Silent Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and […]

8-Day Directed Silent Retreat

Loyola House at Ignatius Jesuit Centre 5420 Hwy 6 North, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Apply here! The 8-Day Directed Silent Retreat provides you with individual direction in an environment of silence and prayer. A spiritual director meets with you each day, listens as you share your prayer experiences, helps you reflect on them and […]

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