This is our online donation page – please scroll down to complete the donation form. Your gift sustains this place of beauty and sustenance where nature gives strength to mind, body and soul.
To donate securities use our CanadaHelps account here.
To mail a cheque (designate your gift in the memo line): Ignatius Jesuit Centre, 5420 Hwy 6 N, Guelph ON N1H 6J2
Charitable Number 1 1896 6373 RR0001
Click here to pay for U-Pick apples at the Farm.
Click here to pay for a Loyola House Retreat or Ignatian Training program, or for Spiritual Direction, or call 519-824-1250 ext. 266. This online portal is for donations only. Thank you!
We do our very best to ensure that you have a good experience in completing a donation transaction.
If there is an error message, try cleaning your browsers’ history and try again. Otherwise, please contact us by calling 519-824-1250 ext 258 or sending an email.