The Word Made Flesh: Enter Advent Weekend
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This weekend retreat aims at entering Advent meaningfully. Meaning resides in words. Words arise out of embodied human experience. The Incarnation at one and the same time reiterates and sublimates this natural process of meaning-making. In the Incarnation, therefore, we can find the meaning of our earthly life, which has to do with creatively caring for the material reality that underlies all that is. Jesus, the Word Made Flesh, teaches us how to live compassionately in a meaningful world of mortal bodies.
Central to this retreat will be an intimate encounter with the St. John’s Bible, the modern masterpiece of art and devotion that resurrected the ancient craft of hand-written and illuminated Scripture. Professional docents from the Hamilton Diocese will present and explain marvelous, heritage editions of the St. John’s Bible. This encounter with artistic, reverential production will serve as a framework for discerning our own interchange with the beings all around us. How do we practice the same creative concern and reverence for the bodies we meet on a daily basis? How do we, like Jesus, save the world with our presence rather than condemn it?
- Not a completely silent retreat
- Presentations given
- Some group activities
- Limited spiritual direction available
Facilitated by Greg Kennedy & Dan Leckman SJ
- $325 – Ensuite Room – private single bedroom with 3-piece washroom, desk and chair
- $299 – Standard Room – private single bedroom with sink, desk and chair
- $195 – Commuter – a private room is not included with these fees