General Information on Retreats & Programs
The ongoing financial sustainability of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre is crucial in continuing to offer you the retreats and programs at Loyola House. Cancellations can be an expense to the Centre and a potential lost opportunity for others to attend.
Please contact the Registrar should you need to cancel your booking. All refunds for retreats and programs are managed by the Registrar on an individual basis.
Please note that payment in full must be received in order to secure your booking. The fees for all retreats and programs include accommodations, meals and spiritual direction.
Upon receipt of registration confirmation, click here to proceed to the online store for payment.
Payment for retreats and programs are in Canadian funds. Payment via cheque to the Ignatius Jesuit Centre or via credit card; we accept VISA or MasterCard. We are unable to accept e-transfer payment.
Checking In
Unless otherwise noted in the schedule, each program begins promptly at 7:30pm on the first day and ends at 1pm on the last day. Arrival on your first evening is between 4-7pm. Please note that dinner is not available on the first evening of your retreat. More information on checking in, transportation, accommodations, meals, supplies, etc. read the Information for Retreatants sheet here.
Financial Assistance Information
As an independent retreat house, we are unable to provide scholarships.
Contact the Registrar
519 824 1250 ext 266 or email