Cultivating hope, faith & love during Covid & Climate Change
“See, I Am Making All Things New” (Revelation 21:5)
Facilitated by Bill Clarke, SJ, Yvonne Prowse, & Greg Kennedy, SJ
Musicians serenading from balconies in locked-down Italy. Scientists’ unprecedented global collaboration to discover a vaccine for the deadly virus. A 7pm daily “Angelus” in New York City as residents sound their thanks for front-line health care providers. Birds heard singing in the new-found quiet of Wuhan Province. Air pollution in cities across the globe drops the lowest in years. Jalandhar, India: for the first time in decades people wake to view the snow-capped Himalayas. Scores of people are rediscovering the gift of time with family, the grace in being less busy…. The graces in the midst of woe are astonishing.
Covid-19 has been giving us a very lived experience of the truth that We are All One – you, me and all the Earth. Further, Covid-19 has demonstrated that we really can heal the planet. All the while, Pope Francis’ call echoes: to truly, actively Love one another and our Mother Earth.
To hope is radical… and Christian. Perhaps it feels risky. To love is radical… and Christian, and challenging, especially amidst grief, fear, anger. In this retreat, you will be guided more deeply into the love of God, within and without; and seek the grace to harvest deeper hope and action for the life of the world, for the building of God’s Kin-dom on Earth. We will create “virtual space” to bring to God our individual and collective grief (and anger, fear, anxiety…) over Covid; over climate change; over the deep rift between our human community and the wider Earth community. Together we will seek to drink from the deep well of God’s delight in all creation – human, animal, plant…. and to grow in the call to be priests of Creation.
Virtual and actual tools will be harnessed for the journey: A short video-talk each morning to break open a theme for the day; a variety of prayer exercises connecting you more deeply to Creation; Scripture, music, poetry; journaling and artistic expression; communal prayer and sharing; …and silence to listen for God’s Spirit in the wind and in your heart. Individual spiritual direction is included.
“Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life….” (from Earth Charter, as quoted by Pope Francis in Laudato Si)
Please note that space is limited so register early. Deadline to register is May 13.