Our major training program in giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is a Three-Phase Program. Each phase is an entity in itself. Candidates apply for each successive phase separately upon successful completion of the previous phase.
Phase Two
January – May 2019 (to be individually designed) – This is a period of academic study in the Spiritual Exercises and Spiritual Direction. The specific content should be chosen to suit the needs of the participant, in consultation with our program staff.
Ideally, the participant would take courses at an accredited graduate program of their choice, again, in consultation with our staff. (Courses may be audited to reduce financial cost.) If this is not possible, independent study may be arranged.
For more information email the registrar at registration(a)ignatiusguelph.ca.
Click here for a detailed description and requirements for this program.
Cost: Individuals are responsible for all costs incurred in Phase Two, such as tuition fees, accommodation and travel expenses.